
Saturday, February 28, 2015

More choices than ever before with Open Studio and Creative Corner!

This past weekend Johnny and I were sitting in our living room working from home on projects for ArtsyU when I was inspired on what to write for today’s blog plot. Johnny was updating the calendar, while I was writing up a couple step by step instructions (SBSI's) for our manual that we use during Open Studio and Creative Corner. I was skimming over the documents and was struck by a wondering thought, "Just how many of our paintings have instructions that accompany them?" "How many choices do people actually have when they are painting in Open Studio and Creative Corner?" An even more thought provoking, "I wonder if our painters know they have the resource of picture and text instructions available to them before signing up for these classes?" Well, my curiosity obviously wouldn't rest and I quickly began counting. "One hundred and thirteen!" I yelled across the living room at Johnny, moments after I had tallied up the final number. Johnny looked a little surprised, partly because I'd just yelled at him all of a sudden and partly because he was as equally contemplative of my realizations. "That would be an informative blog post," he had noted. So here we are to explore exactly those questions and to enlighten our painting audience about our SBSI's and the Open Studio and Creative Corner classes, specifically how they are different from a regular class.

If you've attended a regular class you may already be familiar with the setup of these classes and how they are taught. The majority of the classes on our calendar are regular evening classes. During a regular class everyone paints the same painting and are instructor paced throughout the night over a 2-3 hour period. These classes offer a "follow the leader" type of teaching, meaning as the instructor paints something on a canvas of their own, the class follows along, step by step until the end. This teaching approach appeals to a lot of visual learners who learn best by being shown a technique first, before attempting to do it on their own. If you like to watch how to videos and YouTube demonstrations then a regular class might be the most suitable class for you.

The three volumes of the Master Book of Paintings, which collectively
house over 100 Step by Step Instructions (SBSI's).
The teaching model of the Open Studio and Creative Corner are a bit different. Instead of everyone painting the same thing, each person gets to pick their own painting from our step by step book or choose a painting they liked from the calendar. Picking something can be difficult, since there are over 100 different paintings to choose from (with more being added weekly). Originally, the SBSI were developed for our instructors as a reference to show them how a painting was systematically layered and painted by the original artist. Since there are multiple artists at ArtsyU contributing to our overall painting selection, it is not uncommon for an instructor other than the original artist to teach it to a class. When we first started teaching Open Studio classes, we made these instructions available to our painters.  We believe our painters have found them to be rather helpful resources and that they greatly impacted their enjoyment and experience. So we have continued the process ever since and are thrilled to be able to offer more choices than ever before! A variety of art genres are represented in our SBSI book, from the abstract to the realistic. Because there are multiple paintings being taught during an open studio, these classes do not have an instructor up front demonstrating how to paint them step by step. Instead, painters are given a SBSI that has a set of sequential pictures and accompanying texts explaining how that painting is painted from start to finish. Instructors and assistants help the painters upon arrival in finding the correct paints and brushes and circulate the room throughout the night to offer expertise in painting techniques and tips. Instead of being instructor paced, these sessions proceed at the pace of the painter, so they can go as fast or as slow as they prefer.

An example of two different sets of SBSI's.
A Creative Corner is similar to an Open Studio, with the key differences being the size and start time. The Creative Corner begins an hour earlier than the regularly scheduled class on Friday evenings and occurs simultaneously while the regular class is being taught. The size of the Creative Corner is usually limited to 4 individuals and occurs out on the high top tables in the corner of the room (hence the name.) Each painter still picks their own painting from the step by step book and uses the pictures and text for the majority of their instructions. The only exception is that painters can't paint the painting being taught in the regular Friday night class. The instructor and assistants get the painters in the Creative Corner well under way in the painting process before the other class begins and throughout the night they are available to offer help and assistance when they are not providing instruction to the regular class. This painting model is perfect for smaller groups who like a more intimate setting, who prefer to be self-paced, or for smaller groups who can't decide on the same painting to paint. It also allows the painters in the Creative Corner to view the process of a regular class and how the two differ in their delivery of instruction and pace.

Painters in our Open Studio and Creative Corner classes are not limited strictly to the SBSI book either. Many of our older works do not have these instructions, but if their composition is simple enough they can be verbally explained or painters can be provided verbal instruction on how the painting is painted. Another choice for painters during these classes is to treat them like a freestyle session, where the painter paints an idea of their own creation during their studio time. Personal expression is always encouraged and inspiring to see!

So if you have been considering an Open Studio or Creative Corner class on the calendar and just weren't too sure about it, I hope the information in this post has helped you reach a decision. Of course, the best way of knowing, is to join us for a class and find out for yourself. With more customizable options and painting choices than ever before, there is certainly no time like the present! If you have questions about the Open Studio or Creative Corner or have a particular question about a SBSI feel free to drop me a comment below! 


  1. I recently registered for your Open Studio event on March 25. It was recommended that painting selection be made prior to the event. Do you have any way that the SBSIs can be viewed online, or does one need to visit the studio to make the selection? I live a good distance away and hope that an electronic option is available. Thank you.

  2. Hi Gail! Thank you for the inquiry! We currently use Photobucket to compile all of our paintings with SBSI's. I've sent you an email with the photobucket link and some other options available. It's recommended (but not required) to make a painting selection prior to the event to reduce your waiting time upon arrival. This is mostly recommended if you are choosing a painting that requires a pre-sketch be done with a stencil. The email I sent should provide more information. I hope it helps and if you have any further questions just let me know! We look forward to seeing you on the 25th and hope you have fun!

  3. Is there a way to view the options for an open studio/creative corner?

  4. Hi Jenny! There are a couple ways to view the selections for open studio and creative corner! We have 3 albums at the studio that house all of our available painting options. This is probably the most up-to-date option since there are a few extra steps before we can upload them to our Photobucket account, which is our second option. We currently have about 130 available paintings and that number is constantly growing since all of our artist contribute to our overall collection. When you register for one of the open studio or creative corner classes, you'll receive a link to our Photobucket account, but I can send you the link if you'd like. Are you interested in a particular painting? If you don't see a particular painting available, the teachers in Open Studio can talk you verbally through how to paint it in that class also.
